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Al-Shaheed productions department is responsible for propagating the message of Shohada-e-Millat-e-Jaffaria Pakistan and teachings of Islam to masses through a variety of modern day mass propagation tools. The foremost in this domain besides the conventional publications methodology is the sphere of digital media productions. Time and again ,the efforts of Al-Shaheed productions receive deep commendations from all sections of Millat-e-Jaffaria Pakistan and they include digital thematic videos based on various sanehat, documentaries ,movies ,taranay albums , items of utility like Islamic key-chains, pens , to name but a few of the remarkable works of Al-Shaheed productions. Recently Al-Shaheed productions furthering the same noble initiative concluded some productions, the details of which may be seen below.

"Tareekh-e-Shohada" Book Based on the Inspirational Lives of the Martyrs of Millat-e-Jaffaria Pakistan (New Releases)

Shaheed Foundation Pakistan is pleased to inform the valued audience that another book by name of Tareekh-e-Shohada has been released.

This book is based on the lives of the Martyrs of Pakistan: Shohada-e-Multan, and Dera Ismail Khan part 2.

The first part was released two years earlier, which was based on the martyrs of Dera Ismail Khan. These books provide comprehensive information about the life span of the martyrs and accounts for the important incidents that took place in their lives. These incidents make us realize how the beloved martyrs,for the sake of Islam and Ahlulbayt have sacrificed their lives on the way of Allah.

Martyrs from Multan ,Khanewal, Sahiwal, Vehari and Lodhran are included in the book Tareekh-e-Shohada. [Multan Division.]

Al-Shaheed Calendar 2014 (New Releases)

Like previous year, a Gregorian (English)-cum-Hijra Calendar was published inscribed with quotations as well as sayings of Masoomeen (AS) . It also includes the message of Shohada in the form of different thematic graphics. The Calendar received deep appreciation and the calendars have been sold across different parts of Pakistan . All these products are available at Al-Shaheed Saqafati Markaz adjacent central office of Shaheed Foundation Pakistan in Ancholi Karachi. Besides ,it has been made available at different Islami Marakiz countrywide and may also be procured through placing orders on our official email addresses or through contacting SFP representatives. Momineen are requested to promote the message of Shohada by buying these products.

Al-shaheed Ahkaam Mayyat Book (New Releases)

SHAHEED FOUNDATION PAKISTAN (Dept of tablighat) is pleased to announce that AL-SHAHEED AHKAAM-E-MAYYET Book has been published for our valued readers.Besides attractive designing with 4-colour print, the book covers the entire gamut of the rituals necessary to be performed from the point of death to the last stage of namaz-e-wahshat including shrouding of dead body, method of offering Namaz-e-Janaza as well as Talqeen.

All the processes are demonstrated with obvious illustrations making the rituals easily conceivable for all.The authenticity of the contents ihas been verified and corroborated by Molana Syed Asad Abbas of Lahore,a well-qualified Shia Aalim.

This book meets a long awaited need of momineen as it is very conducive to educate common men perfectly with the death and post-death rituals in easy language and lucid manner.

We hope the readers will appreciate the book as it merits.

Al-Shaheed Namaz Book [Sindhi & Urdu]

Al- Shaheed Namaz Book basically was conceived as a means to impart awareness regarding arkan-e-wudhu and namaz to the children of Shohada especially and other momin children of Millat-e-Jaffaria Pakistan in general . It is a pictorial representation of the way and method to offer namaz and wudhu , depicted in an attractive manner. Soon after its publication it received tremendous appreciation both from Khanwada-e-Shohada-e-Millat-e-Jaffaria Pakistan as well as other momineen as was witnessed from rapid sales of these books. The sales of these books to other momineen resulted in earning valuable income which is utilized towards rendering services to Khanwad-e-Shohada-e-Millat-e-Jaffaria Pakistan. Recently keeping in view, the popularity of this effort and consistent request to translate the book to regional languages for the ease of Khanwada-e-Shohada especially ,the book was translated into Sindhi language and Alhamdulillaah the translated version of this book also received deep appreciation in areas of interior Sindh.

Documentary Shaheed aur Shahadat DVD Vol -1

The Al-Shaheed productions team recently completed a thematic short movie on the concept of Shaheed and Shahadat which depicts the importance of a Shaheed in Islam benefiting from the thoughts of Islamic Scholars of present era most noteably Ayatollaah Shaheed Murtaza Mutahhari as well as from the traditions narrated from the Masoomeen (AS). This package also includes a short docu-drama [“Scout aur Mut’arriz (critic)]. Besides views of Ulema and Khanwada-e-Shohada has also been accommodated. The idea of developing this short movie is to introduce to masses the real stature of individuals who embrace Shahadat on the glorified path of Masoomeen (A.S) and to create awareness as well as motivation especially in our younger generation to remain prepared to sacrifice all that we have for the sake of the path of Masoomeen (A.S) whenever the need arises.

Dastan-e-Shahadat Volume 7 DVD [Saneha-e-Mehfil-e-Murtaza ,PECHS,Karachi]

A heart-rending tragedy took place in Mehfil-e-Murtaza PECHS Karachi back in 1995 when yazidi terrorists entered the Mehfil in the holy month of Ramadhan right after fajr prayers,lined up the fasting momineen and opened indiscriminate fire on the momineen as a result of which many momineen among them some renowned personalities too, embraced shahadat on the spot . Same day , another tragedy took place in Imambargah Abul Fazl al-Abbas(AS) situated in PIB Colony Karachi in which some momineen embraced shahadat when yazidi terrorists sprayed them with bullets.

Al-Shaheed Calendar 2013

Like previous year, a Gregorian (English)-cum-Hijra Calendar was published inscribed with quotations as well as sayings of Masoomeen (AS) . It also includes the message of Shohada in the form of different thematic graphics. The Calendar received deep appreciation and the calendars have been sold across different parts of Pakistan . All these products are available at Al-Shaheed Saqafati Markaz adjacent central office of Shaheed Foundation Pakistan in Ancholi Karachi. Besides ,it has been made available at different Islami Marakiz countrywide and may also be procured through placing orders on our official email addresses or through contacting SFP representatives. Momineen are requested to promote the message of Shohada by buying these products.

Al-Shaheed Production is running under the supervision of Department of Information of Shaheed Foundation Pakistan. Al-Shaheed Production tried their best to provide all the live achievements and messages of Shohdas whose are ideal of Millat-e-Jafferia, to Momineens of Pakistan and all over world through Internet, or introduce CDs and DVDs for this purposes. The basis aim of Shaheed Foundation Pakistan is that to establish Society of Shaheed Providence. Al-Shaheed Production will work in these ideas after thorough searching, in order that the society of Pakistan having knowledge about the Shohdas of Pakistan.


A script has been prepared towards Shahadat and Shohadas, thereafter will be forwarded to Millat-e-Jafferia in shape of Film/Drama. Thus Shaheed Foundation Pakistan can easy to lead the Nation. It is informed that during preparing script and film huge difficulties have been facing by us, this matter and aim is important not difficulties. FOLLOWING HAS ALSO BEEN RELEASED AND GOOD AESTHESIS HAS BEEN DONE IN THE SOCIETY:

  • Al-Shaheed Kahani Vol – 1, 2009 AZADAR
  • Al-Shaheed Kahani Vol – 2, 2010 JANAT KAY RAHI

Al-Shaheed Production is running under the supervision of Department of Information of Shaheed Foundation Pakistan. Al-Shaheed Production tried their best to provide all the live achievements and messages of Shohdas whose are ideal of Millat-e-Jafferia, to Momineens of Pakistan and all over world through Internet, or introduce CDs and DVDs for this purposes. The basis aim of Shaheed Foundation Pakistan is that to establish Society of Shaheed Providence. Al-Shaheed Production will work in these ideas after thorough searching, in order that the society of Pakistan having knowledge about the Shohdas of Pakistan.

SFP Film Jannat Kay Rahi
Al Shaheed Taranay

The message of Shahdat through poetical conversance forwarded to the society is also admirable influence. In our society importance has been given to the poet and poetry. Societies have seeing the Poet, Nohay Khawan, Manqabat Khawan methodically and get together these gentlemen by the nation. Shaheed Foundation Pakistan for the last many years towards sacrifice of shohdas, has request the poets to write the poetry, Manqabat, taraney and salam and these are singing through the Manqabat Khawan and Poets by the society in their gathering.


  • Al-Shaheed Tranay Vol – 1 Trana-e-Shadat Year 2003
  • Al-Shaheed Tranay Vol – 2 Trana-e-Shadat Year 2005
  • Al-Shaheed Tranay Vol – 3 Trana-e-Shadat Year 2010

After complete search of incident and historical, a serial of “Dastan-e-Shahdat”, has been started, wherein after detailed research interviews towards incidents, videos, pictures and with the help of News paper and Magazines, a documentary has been prepared to the knowledge of Millat-e-Jafferia and also saved the incident in the record of Shaheed Foundation Pakistan.


  • Dastan-e-Shadat Vol – 1 Saniha-e-Thairri (Sindh) 1963
  • Dastan-e-Shadat Vol – 2 Saniha-e Masjid Haidri 2004
  • Dastan-e-Shadat Vol – 3 Saniha-e-Parachinar 2007
  • Dastan-e-Shadat Vol – 4 Saniha-e-Sialkot 2004
  • Dastan-e-Shadat Vol – 5 Saniha-e-Aushura Karachi 2009
  • Dastan-e-Shadat Vol – 6 Saniha-e-Chailum Karachi 2010

The work of Message of Aaima-e-Masoomeen a.s. transmitter to Momineen through Khutbat with urdu translation in VCDs is continuously done and in this respect “Khutbat Bibi Zainab (a.s.) has been released. Inshaallah very soon Khutbat of Hazrat Fatima (a.s) and Hazrat Imam Hussain (a.s) will be introduce in the market.


  • KHUTBAT VOL – 1 Khutbat BIBI ZAINAB a.s 2009

Al Shaheed Saqafti Markaz
Adjacent Markazi Office,
Shaheed Foundation Pakistan
R-1130 Block 20 F.B. Area, Karachi

Payam Islami Saqafti Markaz
Khair-ul-Amal Road Block 20 F.B. Area, Karachi

Turabi Cassttes Library
Khair-ul-Amal Road Block 20 F.B. Area, Karachi

Muhammad Ali Book Deepo
Zohra Garden Shop No. 2 Brutto Road, Mehfil-e-Shah Khurasan, Soldier Bazar, Karachi

G-3 Madani Heights Amil Colony,
Soldier Bazar, Karachi


Nashre Wilayat Saqafati Markaz
2-a Muslim Town More, Wehdat Road (near al mustafa house),
Cell # 0333-4509679

Shop No.1 Jamia-tul- Muntazir
Block-H, Model Town


Bab-ul-ilm cassatte library,
Imamia jam-e- masjid road,
Cell # 0323 9903415


Fizza islamic Library,
Opp jamia masjid Hussaina,


Al Qaim Library
Qandhari Imam Bargah Alamdar Road,

Shaheed Hussaini Cassatte Library
Near, Nichari prim School
Alamdar Road Quetta


Al-Mehdi Islamic centre
Infront of Imam bargah Imam Ali Sadiq (a.s)
G-9/2 islamabad
Cell: 0321-5018617
Phone: 051-2852066

Mohammad Ali Book Agencies
Opp. Imambargah Imam Al Sadiq (a.s)
Phone: 051-2557471


Al- Hussain Cassette Centre
Opp. Imam Bargah Qasr-e-Zainab (s.a),

Abbas CD's Center
Hussaini Chowk
Kotla Jam, Bhakkar


Mohammad Ali Book Agencies
Imam Bargah Yadgar e- Hussaini
Sattilite Town. Rawalpindi.


Mohammad Ali Book Agencies
Imam Bargah Maqami Sarpak


Fikre Islami Book Shop,
Markazi Imambargah,
Dhobi ghat Faisalabad.